These are just a few of the items that will be at the auction, there will be many many more available on the day of the auction. Click on the pictures for a larger view, select another group by the purple buttons above
Freed Eisemann NR-7 NO.980A Neutrostage Radio front
pic3: Zenith 8S463 Console
pic2: Zenith 9S262 Console (Similar to Walton Radio)
pic1: Emerson 540A, Silvertone 602 Metal_midget
pic9: GE FE63 Rainbow, Zenith 5S126 Cube, Remler 10-3 Cathedral
pic8: Catalin Sentinel 284NB, Crosley D-25 Dashboard, Zenith 4-V-31 Tombstone, Belmont 5D128, Stewart Warner R-142AS Ferrodyne, Grunow 501-RCA EY-2 45 Player